Zeek Rewards Australia

10/08/2012 20:02

I will discuss some ZeekRewards business building strategies in this article.Facebook is an excellent place to start but you will only be able to sponsor people after you have built a solid relationship. People do not buy from people whom they do not trust. Most people on the internet try and sell but the important thing is to pre-sell first. Building relationship is more important than selling at first.I don't think by putting simple ads anyone can sponsor people. Putting ads is only the first step. Once a person responds to your advertisement you have to build relationship through telephone and emails. By gifting bids away is the first step to building relationship because you are giving something away and expecting no return. Even if are able to sponsor one person out every 5 people who accept our free bids the business will explode. It is the compounding principle... slow in the beginning and then building exponentially. Even if you find one leader he will take you a mile.The beauty of ZeekRewards is that you earn money even if you do not sponsor anyone. I started with $100 but maxed out to $10,000 within a month once I understood the power of the system. When others see you making money they will join you. Unfortunately if you start as a free member or buy $100 VIP bid it will take you sometime to build the volume required for compounding and showing it to others.I have already earned $5000 from ZeekRewards so it is easy for me to show my back office to my friends. I am still not actively marketing it because I wish to compound a bit more to make my case that much stronger. Approaching your prospects prematurely can lose customers and sales.At the end of the day you have to be comfortable with how much money you are willing to put into your business. There are always some associated risks with every reward. No business can be built without some investment. You can build your ZeekRewards business with very little investment but it will take a little time and patience. If you want rapid results then you will have to buy more VIP bids. It is a decision that you will need to take.For more info,Please visit Zeek Rewards Australia In my case I value my time even if it takes less than 5 minutes to place an ad. If I can earn $200 for my 5 minutes then why should I settle for $2 per day.Better than Facebook are your friends because you already have a relationship with them and they trust you. I know some people are very shy about discussing their business affairs with their friends and are scared of losing their trust if things go wrong. But once you are sure and comfortable with the business model and making money every day... it is then the time for you to share your good fortune with them. Don't try and do it pre-maturely. Learn the business, earn money and only then share. Trust me they will join you and you will be doing them a favor.Try and identify people who are in business and successful. They will understand the power of this system immediately.If you are interested in learning more, visit my awesome site!


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