Window replacement San Francisco

26/11/2012 17:02

Window replacement is a popular home improvement project. For many years, the replacement of old, worn-out, inefficient windows has helped homeowners maintain their homes and keep home energy costs down.Now there is another reason to take on a window replacement project. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 allows homeowners to take a tax credit of 30 percent of the cost of the new windows up to $1500 total. The tax credit is for new windows purchased and installed between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010 but it only applies to windows that meet the qualifications for the tax credit.Many consumers now look for the Energy Star rating when buying new building components for the home. Most replacement window manufacturers have maintained Energy Star ratings for their windows for many years.But not all Energy Star rated windows will qualify for the credit. Feel free to visit my page to learn more on Window replacement San Francisco.  The government wanted to make sure that the new windows used in a home improvement project made a substantial impact on reducing energy costs. In order to qualify for the credit, the windows must also have a U-Factor equal to or less than 0.30 and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) equal to or less than 0.30. It's a more stringent guideline than just the Energy Star rating.For more information and details on the credit, visit the government's Energy Star website and consult your own tax advisor.Installing new windows in an older home is an excellent way to reduce the home's energy costs for heating and cooling. By using new windows that qualify for the Energy Efficiency Tax Credit in a home improvement project, homeowners can qualify to reduce their taxes while improving the energy efficiency of the home and helping the environment. For more information click here!


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