
09/12/2012 16:40

Although the technology behind digital narrowcasting has been around for many years, it is only recently that its potential has come to be understood. Retailers and service providers, like banks, stand to benefit greatly from digital narrowcasting, not only by increasing sales, but also by improving customer experience.In contrast to broadcasting, which, as the name implies, aims for a broad audience, narrowcasting offers a tightly focused message intended for a narrow audience. In retail and service industries, digital advertising makes use of multimedia displays to communicate timely, targeted messages to specific types of customers.Digital narrowcasting is a very versatile point of purchase advertising option, with many proven benefits. Retailers of all sizes, from large apparel chains to convenience stores, have experienced sales increases of anywhere from 15% to 50% at stores that use digital signage technology. The technology is remarkably flexible, allowing retailers to change messaging quickly in response to challenges from the competition and changes in customer demographics.Another area where digital marketing excels is in the creation of a positive customer experience. Why is this important? Customers are bombarded by messages everywhere they go. Audio, video and print advertising all serve to overwhelm the customer. By making a meaningful connection at the store level, retailers can cut through the "noise" and attract loyal customers who will frequent their store.To understand the relationship between digital narrowcasting and customer experience, it is necessary to look at some recent trends in retailing. These trends are outlined in a guide co-written by Self-Service World. The main trends are summarized below.
One trend, mentioned earlier, is that of media saturation. Customers receive advertising messages constantly. To stand out from the rest, retailers need to create a unique vibe or feeling in their stores. They can accomplish this goal with carefully tailored messages delivered via digital signage technology.  Young people are, as always, a highly coveted demographic. This generation has grown up with the Internet and all manner of technology. Traditional advertising just doesn't work with them. Digital narrowcasting can reach these shoppers by building a customer experience that they can appreciate.   With the same or similar products or services available at virtually all retailers, customers need strong motivation to enter a retail outlet.Click on Narrowcasting to read more!  A unique customer experience is one of the few things that can effectively differentiate a retailer in today's crowded marketplace.  While overused, the word "buzz" certainly applies here. As the previous point implies, it isn't enough to have the latest products. You need to create a connection and reach customers on an emotional level in order to keep them coming back. The right buzz will get them talking to others too.  To create a customer experience that sets you apart, you need digital narrowcasting. As the Self-Service World book explains, to be effective, the customer experience must have certain traits: It needs to share your story while communicating something valuable to the customer. With its ability to focus on specific demographics, digital signage allows you to speak directly to market segments in a way that has meaning to them. The customer experience needs to be media-rich. Remember that you are dealing with an audience accustomed to the latest technology. Digital signage uses "cool" tools that appeal to the digital generation. Currency is key. In order to attract the attention of your ideal customer, you need to be able to react and adapt quickly with timely messages based on demographics, cultural trends, or even the weather. With digital narrowcasting, changes are fast and easy. Using electronic signs, you can create a customer experience that will enhance your brand and differentiate you from the competition.           Read alot more on this website.


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