Hydroponics Northampton

24/08/2012 18:49

The name hydroponics would lend itself to be explained as plants to be cultivated by the use of water. However although water is an essential part of this operation hydroponics is actually defined by growing plants without the use of soil. Therefore the basis of growth is determined by the types and level of nutrients used in the water used in the system.Calcium is needed for plants to grow and gain good structure in their cell walls. It also is used in the plants membranes as a kind of cement binding cells to one another, and plays an important role at the root. Calcium stimulates the protein channels in the roots that uptake the nutrients vital for the plant's survival. Without calcium being present the roots would not be able to take up any nutrients. Calcium is usually supplied in hydroponics through nutrients such as calcium nitrate or calcium salts. A steady supply is needed during formation as once it is cemented into the plant cell wall it becomes immobile and therefore more is needed to continue plant growth.Calcium deficiency in plants can lead to leaf tip burn or problems in the fruit, known as blossom end rot. As the calcium is regulated by the level of nutrients used or calcium compounds by the grower, deficiency is usually due to other growing influences. Examples of which are as follows:• A high concentration of potassium, sodium or magnesium in the hydroponic solution. This can affect the uptake of calcium by the root as it is in competition with these elements.• High humidity. For more info visit Hydroponics Northampton This can affect the flow of water and minerals through the xylem tissue of the plant, and to the different parts of the plant. When humidity is high transpiration rates drop which in turn affects the rate at which water and calcium is drawn up the xylem.• A high EC (electrical conductivity) of solution. A high EC means that there is a high level of dissolved salts in solution, and this can affect the uptake of calcium by the plant.Calcium deficiency in hydroponics can be avoided by selecting the right nutrients for the plant type being grown and maintaining an adequate level of calcium within the solution. The correct EC level is very important and must be measured regularly to ensure that calcium is taken up at the roots. Keeping the environment consistent and constant is also essential as excess humidity can reduce calcium uptake and therefore the level of temperature should be carefully monitored. The use of fans to create a gentle breeze on the leaves can help to reduce humidity and encourage transpiration and thus enabling the development of healthy plants and fruit.  Get more details here          


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